Thursday, 21 June 2012

Insider dealings

Following on from the last post's worrisome pluralisation issue, the Showcase cinema at Foresters Park delivered again once we got inside the building. On the wall there was a poster advertising the cinema's 'Insider' club, giving certain benefits if you sign away your life, your bank details and your first-born son.*

There are many things here - sense/meaning issues, hyphenation problems, formatting errors - but mainly there's a truly ugly use of the phrase money can't buy as an adjective. I have never seen this before, but it ranks alongside the use of leverage as a verb and makes me want to gouge out my eyes. AT THE VERY LEAST it should be hyphenated, but really, it shouldn't be allowed to happen at all. Ever again.

Members only should also be hyphenated, and there's a cheeky little fontsize irregularity in the bottom line (not strictly a language issue, but it's sloppy). Also, what does upfront film news even mean? I could go on, but I think my point is made.

By the way, I don't know why the admission price seems to be blanked out. I don't recall that it was blanked on the poster, so maybe it's an artefact of my phone's camera. However, to be honest I wasn't looking at that particular line of text.

I don't think I'll be joining the Insiders club.

*This may be an exaggeration.

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